Welcome to St. James Catholic Church
The Catholic Faith Invites All of God's Children to a Relationship with Jesus Christ
If you are new to the area, looking for a place to belong, or are already a member of our parish community, there is always a place for you.
It is a joy to share the love of God with you!
Tuesday - 8:15 AM
Thursday - 8:00 AM
First Saturday - 8:00 AM
1st & 3rd Saturday - 4:00 PM
Sunday - Even Months - 8:00 AM
Sunday - Odd Months - 10:00 AM
Holy Day Schedule - Check our bulletin for Mass times
Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM
OR by appointment
Baptism: Arranged by appointment
Marriages: Arranged by appointment at least 6 months prior
First Sunday of Advent
Reading 1: Jer 33:14-16
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14
Reading II: 1 Thes 3:12—4:2
Alleluia: Ps 85:8
Gospel: Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
*Click HERE for Daily Readings
December 2, 2024
MON 8:00 AM - Mass at St. Joachim
Dec 03 TUE 8:15 AM - Theresa West
Dec 04 WED 8:15 AM - Mass @ St. Joachim
Dec 05 THU 8:00 AM - Anthony Killian
Dec 06 FRI 8:00 AM - Mass @ St. Joachim
Dec 07 SAT 8:00 AM - Parish Family
Dec 07 SAT 4:00 PM - Lisa Gillian
Dec 08 SUN 8:00 AM - Bess Lalumondier
Online Giving is an option if you are tired of remembering to write a check or fill your envelope. There is a flier in the narthex if you are interested.
(Take a moment and ask yourself)
How can I better integrate my faith into my daily life?
Are there any areas of my life where I need to repent and seek forgiveness?
Office Hours
The week of November 24-30, the office will be open half a day on Monday and a full day on Tuesday, and will remain closed Wed, Thurs, Fri.
Sorry for any inconvenience
Would anyone be interested in starting a group for decorating the church? Duties would include managing the flower fund and decorating the church for all seasons.
Please let the office know if you are interested.
December 19th will be our Christmas Concert starting @ 7PM
Help Provide Scholarships to Catholic Schools!
100% tax credits available to individuals and Businesses. Participate in the MOScholars Program today.
For more information call the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation @ 314-792-7032, visit our website at https://ttef-stl.org/moscholars/
Thanks to everyone who donated money or turkeys for the food drive, we were able to give out 213. We appreciate it more than you know and I'm sure they do also.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and
More Announcements/Information can be found on our Parish News page.
201 North Missouri Street, Potosi, Missouri 63664
Phone: 573-438-4686
Fax: 573-438-2100
Fr. Tony Dattilo
Tuesday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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